A Guide for Parents: When to Start Brushing Baby Teeth!

As a parent, you are continuously concerned with your child's health and well-being. One area that can often raise questions for parents is dental care for infants - specifically when to start brushing baby teeth. Brushing a baby's teeth early is key to developing good oral hygiene habits that last a lifetime - in this blog post, we'll talk more about this subject, including tips on how to care for a baby's teeth correctly.

Why Early Dental Care Is Important

Your child's dental health can have a dramatic effect on their overall well-being. Primary teeth (also referred to as baby teeth) play an integral part in helping your child eat and speak clearly while providing space for permanent teeth to come in later in life. Neglecting primary teeth could result in cavities, pain, and problems with alignment issues related to permanent ones.

When to start brushing baby teeth

So when should you begin brushing baby teeth? The answer is straightforward: as soon as the first tooth appears. This typically happens around six months of age but this may differ between children. Beginning early helps remove plaque and bacteria that could potentially cause decay even in those tiny first teeth.

1. Select Appropriate Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Initially, choose a soft-bristled, small-headed toothbrush designed for infants. Fluoride toothpaste with rice-sized amounts for children under three years is best used when giving medications such as fluoride supplements.

2. Brush Twice Daily: Make brushing twice daily part of their routine to establish good habits early on. This will create positive associations for them with this activity and establish good hygiene from an early age.

3. Employ Gentle Circular Movements: Use gentle circular motions when brushing each tooth's front, back, and top surfaces using small circular brushes. Don't forget to also brush your gums and tongue for bacteria removal!

4. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key if you want your baby to take part in brushing their own teeth regularly, even if they resist at first. Over time they will come around.

5. Lead By Example: Let your child watch you brush your own teeth so they can imitate you and learn the process as a family activity. 

Overcoming Challenges

Brushing a baby's teeth can be challenging. Here are a few strategies to make the process simpler:

  • Keep Brushing Time Fun: Sing or play their favorite tune, or use a special character toothbrush during brushing time to make brushing time enjoyable and memorable for everyone involved.

  • Stay Positive: Maintain an optimistic approach when encouraging your baby to brush, and never force a toothbrush into their mouth as this could create negative associations between brushing and negative outcomes.

  • Consider Different Positions: Find an arrangement that works for both of you - cradling your baby with their head in your lap, standing behind them supporting their head and neck, etc.

Regular Dental Visits

In addition to brushing at home, it's also essential that your baby visits their first pediatric dentist by their first birthday. A pediatric dentist will identify any potential issues with oral care as well as provide helpful tips. They'll also help your little one become acquainted with the dental office environment.


Establishing an early and regular dental care routine for your baby can lay the groundwork for lifelong healthy smiles. Start as soon as that first tooth appears and make brushing an integral part of their daily lives to prevent tooth decay and promote overall oral health. 

Also, don't forget about adult care and checkups with the dentist remain crucial; for personalized advice or assistance at any point don't hesitate to get in touch with Carl.F.Lipe directly.


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